
Bessacarr Primary Statement of Behaviour Principles

We aim to work together to inspire and empower all our children to achieve their very best, regardless of their race, gender, class or abilities. We believe that good behaviour is essential to the fulfilment of this aim and as such the following principles have been agreed by the Academy Committee to inform and direct the Behaviour Policy for Bessacarr Primary School:

  • We believe good behaviour enables effective learning, and that effective teaching and learning promote good behaviour
  • We believe in a culture of respect for each other, the school and the community
  • We value the importance of self-esteem and self-discipline, and work hard to nurture and foster it in our learners
  • We believe it is important to involve parents, carers and children in establishing and maintaining good behaviour and for us all to provide positive role models
  • We strongly believe in the principle of equal opportunities and value cultural diversity. We will not tolerate bullying, violence, racism, sexism or any form of discrimination. The school will monitor the impact of all its policies and be alert to disproportionate impact on vulnerable groups
  • We expect the school behaviour policies to cover the use of reasonable force, including physical contact, the searching of pupils and the power to discipline beyond the school gate
  • We have developed a clear system of celebrating successes and we implement sanctions consistently
  • We have a responsibility to support those children with emotional and behavioural needs to enable them to be educated with their peers wherever possible
  • We endorse the school’s behaviour policy and undertake to monitor its effectiveness and support staff in its implementation
  • We will ensure that teachers can teach and children can learn in an atmosphere of respect, security and enjoyment
Code of Conduct